Expat Friendly Job Opportunities
Are you searching for exciting career opportunities in Munich that cater to your unique needs and preferences? Your search ends here! Our job opportunities subpage serves as your primary resource for uncovering English-speaking, women-friendly job openings, whether you're in pursuit of full-time positions or exploring part-time, mom-friendly, or freelance opportunities. Our unwavering commitment is to support your career goals and ensure you achieve the same professional status as you would in your home country, fostering full integration into the Munich workforce.
Our partnership network
We're dedicated to integrating expat women into Munich's workforce through collaboration with like-minded organizations. As a partner or sponsor, you'll gain visibility across our diverse membership, in-person/digital events, and social media. Your sponsorship supports our activities, and in return, we amplify your corporate messages, especially those tied to recruitment and diversity efforts. We work closely with partners to identify needs, creating themed events or campaigns. When our interests align, we promote your events/messages. Contact us to explore advertising or educational opportunities within our growing community. Together, we advance expat women's careers in Munich.